Pan, S. L., Wu*, H. C.,
Chou, J. & Simpson, S. (2012). Influence of Activity Involvement and Place Attachment
on Volunteer Interpreters’ Satisfaction in Taiwan. Journal of Interpretation
Research, 17(2), 7-22. (*Corresponding
author) (國科會專題研究計畫NSC 94-2415-H-142-001-SSS)
潘淑蘭、吳忠宏*、周儒 (2008) 解說志工活動涉入、地方依附與工作滿意度之關係研究:以國立自然科學博物館為例,戶外遊憩研究,21(3),23-47。(TSSCI)。(*擔任通訊作者)(國科會專題研究計畫NSC 94-2415-H-142-001-SSS)
With rapid economic growth
over the past half century, Taiwan has experienced increased average income,
reduced work hours, and the implementation of the two-day weekend. Accordingly,
leisure has become increasingly valued by the general population, and the
tourism and recreation industry has shown much growth. Ways to attract
tourists, encourage them to revisit, and satisfy their recreational needs have
become important tasks of recreation service managers. In order to provide
visitors with a better recreational experience, many recreational settings
(e.g., national parks, zoos, botanical gardens, museums, aquariums) provide
interpreters to enhance both the recreational and educational experience of
visitors to natural and cultural sites. However, in Taiwan, as in other
countries, government resource agencies are facing continual downsizing of
interpretive services, so the use of volunteer interpreters is becoming
increasingly common (Wu, 2002). This use of volunteers creates unique human
resource management issues for interpretive services, as the management of
volunteers is different from managing paid employees. Unless both volunteers
and administrators are satisfied, a long-term enduring relationship is unlikely
(Jago & Deery, 2001).
由於經濟的快速成長、國民所得的提高、勞動工時的縮短及週休二日的實施,休閒的議題逐漸受到國人重視,觀光遊憩產業亦呈現大幅成長。如何吸引遊客的到訪及重遊,並滿足遊客在休閒遊憩的需求,已成為休憩景點管理單位的重點業務;為使遊客有更好的遊憩體驗,許多景點都提供解說服務以滿足遊客之需求。而解說員則是眾多解說媒體中最直接也是最有效的一種(張長義、姜蘭虹、王鑫,1985;Haig & McIntyre, 2002; Wearing
& Neil,1999)。由於目前公營機構內正面臨組織縮編、人事精簡、預算刪減的窘境,因此招募志工參與解說服務便成為有效的解決方案之一(吳忠宏,2001;梁光余,2003)。由於志願服務者的管理不同於受薪人員,唯有志願服務者與管理單位都感到滿意,否則關係不會持久(Jago&Deery,2001),所以瞭解並有效地提升志願服務者的滿意度,是目前公營機構中一項首要的課題。
Most studies on job satisfaction involve factors such as personal traits,
employees’ attributes, self-efficacy, motivation to participate, locus of
control, role efficacy, job performance, compensation, organizational
commitment, organizational atmosphere, and styles of leadership (Cohrs, Abele,
& Dette, 2006; Okpara, 2006; Randolph, 2005; Fang, 2002; Chen & Ting,
2002; Lo & Tang, 2003). These factors usually are used to measure the
satisfaction of paid employees, and an interesting question presents itself
when the staff members are volunteers. Does it make sense to use the same
criteria to measure the job satisfaction of volunteer staff as paid employees?
Obviously a factor such as monetary compensation becomes less important, and it
is reasonable to ask even whether to think of volunteerism as a job or a
recreational activity. Stebbins (2001), for example, would identify it as
recreation, categorizing volunteers as one of the three types of participants
who actively pursue what he calls serious leisure (the other two types are
amateurs and hobbyists). Serious leisure is recreation activity that is both
educational and intrinsically fulfilling, and it is pursued by recreationists
who are looking for an experience much deeper than mere entertainment or
diversion. Stebbins defined volunteers as recreationists who choose to spend
their leisure time in unpaid work in order to benefit themselves and others
(Galindo-Kuhn & Guzley, 2001). Still, volunteer satisfaction often is
measured as if volunteers are employees, not people participating in leisure.
Would it make sense to look at volunteers as unique guests to a park or
attraction, not employees? For example, contemporary tourism research often
looks at activity involvement and place attachment to assess the satisfaction
of tourists (Hwang, Lee, & Chen, 2005; Lee, 2003; Zabriskie &
McCormick, 2003). It might make sense to treat volunteers as “serious” visitors
and utilize this kind of the tourism research to measure volunteer satisfaction
as well.
有關工作滿意度的相關研究,多從個人特質、員工屬性、自我效能、參與動機、控制信念、角色效能、工作績效、報酬、組織承諾、組織氣氛、領導風格...等因子來探討(吳忠宏,2001;房美玉,2002;林雀妙,2000;陳正男、丁學勤,2002;簡俊成、翁志成、楊玲惠,2001;羅世輝、湯雅云,2003;Cohrs,Abele,& Dette,2006;
Okpara,2006; Randolph, 2005)。近年來在休閒遊憩的相關研究中亦嘗試從涉入(involvement)及地方依附(place attachment)的觀點來探討其對滿意度的影響(Hwang, Lee,& Chen, 2005;Laverie
& Arnett,2000;Lee, 2003; Zabriskie & McCormick,2003)。Stebbins(2001)提出認真性休閒理論,並將志願服務歸為認真性休閒的一類。志願者選擇參與服務的工作如同在其閒暇時間選擇休閒活動一般(Galindo-Kuhn & Guzley,2001;
Stebbins & Graham,2004),因此解說志工活動可歸類為休閒活動的一種。再者,Hwang等人(2005)針對國家公園遊客提出一個涉入、地方依附與滿意度之模式,而此一模式是否能應用在志願服務者身上,亦是本研究想探究的主題,故本研究採用休閒遊憩領域中的活動涉入及地方依附的概念,來探討解說志工的滿意度及其影響變項間之關係。
Volunteer interpreters play
the key role of communicator at many recreation and leisure venues; however,
the turnover rate of volunteer interpreters is quite high. This makes it
important to discuss volunteer interpreters’ satisfaction and determine how to manage
volunteers effectively to keep them on the “job.” In short, this research is
(1) to better understand volunteer interpreters’ activity involvement, place
attachment, and personal satisfaction in Taiwan and (2) to construct and
validate a structural model representing the association that exists among
these three important factors. participating in leisure.
Volunteer Satisfaction
Volunteers help to address
the problems of a lack of paid staff in government and nonprofit agencies, but
reliance on volunteers also leads to unique difficulties. For example,
organizations cannot always attract an appropriate number of volunteers,
certainly not those with sufficient knowledge and training (McCurley &
Lynch, 2007). Also agencies have trouble keeping effective volunteers because
management fails to manage the volunteers well, and dissatisfied volunteers no
longer see volunteering as time well spent (United Parcel Service Foundation,
1998). The main reasons for dissatisfaction among volunteers are unrealized
high expectations, lack of advancement, feelings that an agency is not well
organized, trivial duties, and overall discontent with the work (National
Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre, 2002; Lin, 2005). Over the past two decades,
managers of government agencies and non-profit organizations have become more
adept at supervising volunteers; still, it remains a task to satisfy volunteers
and have them make a long-term commitment.
Nevertheless, the motives of
volunteers are not the same as employees. Galindo-Kuhn and Guzley (2001)
identified three distinctions: (1) volunteers have a stronger sense of
self-consciousness than employees and will make a commitment beyond any
economic or social necessities; (2) volunteers have a definite orientation,
especially in regards to social responsibility; and (3) volunteers attach a
stronger sense of reward value to certain benefits, friendship being a
significant example.
Galindo-Kuhn and Guzley
(2001) also suggested four dimensions for enhancing volunteer satisfaction,
calling them organizational support, participation efficacy, empowerment, and
group integration. Organizational support means that the organization helps
volunteers when needed, acknowledges their contributions, and gives regular
performance feedback. Participation efficacy refers to volunteers feeling able
to achieve their work effectively. Empowerment is the ability of volunteers to
fulfill their duties as they continually enhance their knowledge base and
skills. Finally, group integration represents the extent that volunteers
develop social relationships with other volunteers and paid staff.
Wu (2002) investigated volunteers working in national parks in Taiwan and
identified six constructs of job satisfaction. They were self-growth, social
need, knowledge and skill, job characteristics, organizational atmosphere, and
overall satisfaction. Wu’s study explored the socio-demographic characteristics
of volunteers and measured the motivation and satisfaction of volunteer
interpreters at Yushan National Park. Results showed that socio-demographic
characteristics were associated with motivation and that there was a correlation
between motivation and satisfaction.
志工的服務動機與受薪人員的工作動機並不一樣,Galindo-Kuhn和Guzley (2001)即指出有以下三點差異:(一)志工服務是出自於自由意願的;(二)志工有很明確地自我定位,例如志工的自我目標是回饋社會;(三)知覺上的獲得,例如服務中獲得友誼,這與受薪人員有形上的獲得是不一樣的。在衡量志工滿意度的構面上也有很大的不同。Telep(1986)採用Vroom的期望理論發現志工的滿意度包括:知識技能滿足、自我尊重滿足、社會化滿足、社區服務滿足、生涯滿足與家庭滿足;何素秋(1999)認為志願服務者之工作滿足可分為:(一)內在工作滿足:1.自我成長滿足、2.情感滿足、3.自我肯定滿足、及(二)外在工作滿足:1.工作表現滿足、2.督導關係滿足、3.社會地位滿足;吳忠宏(2001)則將玉山國家公園解說志工的滿足分為:自我成長滿足、社會需求滿足、知識技能滿足、工作特性滿足、組織氣氛滿足和整體滿足等六構念。綜觀上述文獻,考量志願服務者與受薪人員的差異,以及本研究之屬性,並參考吳忠宏(2001)和吳忠宏(2002)的滿意度構面,採用「自我成長」、「社會互動」、「知識技能」、「工作特性」、「組織氣氛」等五個構念做為本研究衡量解說志工滿意度之構面。